Staff Mishloach Manos
March 2, 2016
Teachers Fund
February 27, 2020Pizza Friday (Secondary)
$75.00 – $150.00
Welcome to the 2020-2021 Pizza Friday Program. Since there is no school lunch on Friday, N’shei, partnered with our 8th Grade, offers hot pizza delivery to your daughter’s classroom during break. Pizza is available on a yearly order basis. Please be aware that while we order house pies (so the slices are larger) they are still hand cut and are not always uniform in size. If your daughter will be upset with a smaller slice, please consider ordering two slices for her, as not every student will get the biggest slice of the pie.
If you do not preorder pizza, your daughter may have the opportunity to purchase pizza at $2.50 per slice, AFTER all pizza is given out to those who preordered. Please be aware that there are not always leftovers, so if your daughter really wants pizza, make sure to sign her up so she can be included in our weekly order.
There will be no makeups or refunds. If you are aware of an absence in advance, your daughter can sell her slice to a friend. Otherwise all unused monies will be allotted as a donation to the Ateres Scholarship Fund.
Please be aware that N’SHEI DUES are MANDATORY, and Pizza Friday is optional. Your daughter will not be able to receive pizza unless the N’shei Dues are paid.
SKU: Pizza-Fr-1
Category: Uncategorized